
Tabbouleh (also spelled tabouli) is basically parsley salad. It’s a salad made up of parsley, tomatoes, cucumber, red onions, and mint – all finely chopped and tossed with lemon juice!

Tabbouleh salad is probably the most popular Mediterranean salad and is becoming mainstream in American grocery stores all over the country and the world, which is super cool! 

Original Tabbouleh salad is made with bulgur wheat, however, I eliminated it due to eating a mostly gluten-free diet.

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Tabbouleh is a traditional Lebanese salad. It's one of the most flavorful and refreshing salads you will ever taste.
  1. Rinse parsley and dry with a paper towel. Cut off the thick stems, roughly the bottom 2 inches. Then, finely chop the parsley and remaining stems. You can do this by hand, or use a food processor. I do it by hand. Transfer to a mixing bowl.
  2. Dice cucumber and tomatoes, add to the bowl of parsley.
  3. Finely chop the red onion and fresh mint and add to the bowl.
  4. Add the juice of one lemon, then salt and pepper to taste. Mix well. If you want more lemon, add it. I love lemon so I usually add at least 1 1/2 lemon to mine.
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